Friday, September 01, 2006

Jedi’s poised to attack Planet Earth

The Jedi Masters and their allies from across the galaxy are poised to send a steady stream of attacks on this very little planet called Earth. The Jedi Masters, amidst all their training are so mad at the International Astronomical Union (IAU) because of their recent definition of the term planet.

According to the new definition, planets should orbit only the Sun, effectively demoting all extra-solar planets to non-planetary status. The Jedi’s and the entire Republic calls it absurd. “Our technology is far better than yours and our race has been around long before you started walking on two feet,” says Princess Leia. “This is certainly against the force, we should take immediate action.” says Luke Skywalker who is now the head of the Jedi council.
“I’m confused,” says C3P0 and R2D2 just kept on beeping in his own robotic language.

Apparently, the entire universe is running amok at the decision made by our little race. Earthlings, I think the best that we can do for now is prepare.

source from Mikee's World

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